Today, I am 17 weeks pregnant & feel bigger than ever. Not pregnant, just fat. There's a difference. I'm still waiting to pop and make everyone in the world aware that I am in fact, pregnant, not just 10 lbs heavier than normal. I constantly have a headache & my face looks like a snake's skin shedding. It's so dry!
This week has been quite uneventful. However, we're going through some things regarding my husband & his health, so please keep him in your thoughts & prayers. We're both pretty sure he's going to be fine, but we're going to get him evaluated just to be safe... This is me trying not to worry & stress :)
He's going to Moab today until Sunday for work, which means he won't be here for the ultrasound I scheduled; which means I can't decide if I should go. He's perfectly fine with me just going with my mom since he wanted to wait until our 20 week Anatomy Scan anyway, both for money reasons & "personal preferences" he says. Damn him being the rational one. My girlfriends say I should just go & get it done since it's pretty much just confirming the baby is a girl. So, I'll probably go. But that's how I feel today. Who knows how I'll feel tomorrow. HA! Either way I'll let you know what I do & won't just leave ya hangin'.

Ok survey time:
How far along?: 17 weeks
How big is baby?: The size of an onion!
Weight gain?: crossing my fingers it's still under 10 pounds. pshh. wishful thinking.
Stretch marks?: nope nope
Maternity clothes: exclusively pants & still wearing reg. tops
Sleep?: I was sleeping like a rock with my Snoogle until last night when MY HUSBAND SNORED ALLLLL NIGHT. I finally just went on the couch at like 5am.
Best moment this week?: Probably laughing so hard with D until I peed my pants. Minus the peeing part. That was weird.
Food Cravings?: Still anything spicy!!
Gender?: Girl? Hopefully finding out tomorrow.
Movement?: Little teeny movements here & there. But it's probably just gas. hmph.
What I miss?: not peeing every 30 minutes & my skinny non-flaky face & MY LONG HAIR
Belly button: in but wide. Like, you can see the indentation through my shirts. That's gross.
What I'm looking forward to?: Possibly finding out the gender tomorrow & having Heidi & G coming next week!!!!! I can't wait.
Milestone: almost 20 weeks??

Oh & I was going through the pictures on my phone & saw this one from last year when I had very long hair (for me) and it made me miss it! I look so much older I think. You may beg to differ.