At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My doctor doesn't let me go passed 41 weeks, so the most I will be pregnant is 14 more days. I think I can deal. I just so want her to come on her own before then! Um, preferably this weekend so my sister & dad can meet her before they leave next week!
Well, we did have a little scare yesterday which led me to start believing I may have been induced last night. Let me fill you in...
Thursday morning I had been feeling Claire move but it was nothing like her wild acrobatics she usually performs. Her little moves just felt like flicks. I just assumed it was normal since I am nearing the end of my pregnancy & she is gearing up to come out. Well from about 11am Thursday to yesterday morning, I didn't feel her at all. This of course made me very nervous. I put a call into my doctor just to be safe & they told me to come in right away to check her heartbeat. ::cue the tears:: I was so scared. Deep down, I knew everything was ok; but I was just so nervous something may be wrong.
After an hour of waiting, my doctor finally came in & found the heartbeat right away. Thank God. However, it was a little slow at first. She kicked a little bit & it sped up (acceleration=good). He then gave me an internal exam just to see if things were progressing any more. I'm officially 1 whole centimeter dialtated with her head "very engaged in my pelvis" which I found out is a good thing.
Just to be on the safe side though, my doctor wanted me to have an NST done (non-stress test) just to be sure the fluid levels were ok & she wasn't under any stress at all. He told me that depending on how the results came back, he would induce me later that day- if he felt like the baby would be better off just coming now.
I have to admit, it got me excited. But I didn't get my hopes too high. All I really wanted was to ensure my baby was ok.
Well, she passed the NST with flying colors & practically killed my insides last night from moving so much. LITTLE STINKER!! It looks like she wants to bake a little longer. I have however been having contractions here & there so I pray they pick up soo & I can actually time them!!
Hurry up, little lady! Your momma is impatient!
In the meantime, I will continue taking Evening Primose Oil pills, walking an insane amount, inhaling spicy food & of course, having sex (hi mom!)