
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 27, 2010

39 WEEKS & an update

Remind me how I got here? 39 weeks pregnant? Unreal. 7 days until my due date, even though I have a sneaking suspicion I will go into 41 weeks with this child.

At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My doctor doesn't let me go passed 41 weeks, so the most I will be pregnant is 14 more days. I think I can deal. I just so want her to come on her own before then! Um, preferably this weekend so my sister & dad can meet her before they leave next week!

Well, we did have a little scare yesterday which led me to start believing I may have been induced last night. Let me fill you in...

Thursday morning I had been feeling Claire move but it was nothing like her wild acrobatics she usually performs. Her little moves just felt like flicks. I just assumed it was normal since I am nearing the end of my pregnancy & she is gearing up to come out. Well from about 11am Thursday to yesterday morning, I didn't feel her at all. This of course made me very nervous. I put a call into my doctor just to be safe & they told me to come in right away to check her heartbeat. ::cue the tears:: I was so scared. Deep down, I knew everything was ok; but I was just so nervous something may be wrong.

After an hour of waiting, my doctor finally came in & found the heartbeat right away. Thank God. However, it was a little slow at first. She kicked a little bit & it sped up (acceleration=good). He then gave me an internal exam just to see if things were progressing any more. I'm officially 1 whole centimeter dialtated with her head "very engaged in my pelvis" which I found out is a good thing.

Just to be on the safe side though, my doctor wanted me to have an NST done (non-stress test) just to be sure the fluid levels were ok & she wasn't under any stress at all. He told me that depending on how the results came back, he would induce me later that day- if he felt like the baby would be better off just coming now.

I have to admit, it got me excited. But I didn't get my hopes too high. All I really wanted was to ensure my baby was ok.

Well, she passed the NST with flying colors & practically killed my insides last night from moving so much. LITTLE STINKER!! It looks like she wants to bake a little longer. I have however been having contractions here & there so I pray they pick up soo & I can actually time them!!

Hurry up, little lady! Your momma is impatient!

In the meantime, I will continue taking Evening Primose Oil pills, walking an insane amount, inhaling spicy food & of course, having sex (hi mom!)

I am really hoping this is my last belly picture!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I told myself I wouldn't do this.

But I got so sick of wearing my hair up in a messy bun everyday, that I chopped it off yesterday into a.......MOM 'DO!!! ahhhh!!!!

I'm not so sure what I think of it. I mean, it's really, really short. I can't decide if I look like I'm 12 or if I look like I'm 42. But I wanted something that's easy to maintain & that still looks cute once baby girl is here. The length I had before was just plain awkward. I never wore it down because it flipped out on one side & curled under on the other. I was just really bored & annoyed of it. So.. I got brave & chopped it off. My bangs are a lot shorter than what I had wanted but I'll make them work.

What do you guys think? Be honest!

Also, I went to the doctor yesterday for my 38 week check-up. Drum roll please...................................................................................................................................................

I am a whole fingertip dialted with a softer cervix!! HAHA!! WOOOO! We're makin' progress people. (note sarcasm) We had planned on having the doctor strip my membranes at this appointment, but I am so closed up that it was impossible. Awesome.

This girl is one stubborn babe. Just like her momma. I have been however, having a few contractions since Sunday night. They don't last long though & are very sporatic. Nothing worth timing. So... I will be here a while longer. Meh.

Friday, August 20, 2010

38 weeks!

Has it really been a week since I last blogged/left comments on blogs?? Yep. So sorry about that. Life is so busy right now & it's only going to get crazier in the next few weeks.


However, based on my Dr. appointment on Tuesday, I'm not going into labor anytime soon. Baby's head is still high & my cervix is "slightly softening". Meh. I know that anything can happen at any time, I was just hoping for some sort of progress.

My doctor thinks I am just going to be a "typical first time mom that goes past her due date". UGH! That is not what I wanted to hear from him. He did say that if my cervix is open anymore at the next appointment, that he can strip my membranes & hopefully get things moving.

In the meantime, I bought Evening Primose Oil & am taking that 3x a day to hopefully soften things up a bit. We'll see.

Let's do the survey this week:

How far along?: 38 freakin' weeks!

How big is baby?: um, big. That's all I know.
Weight gain?: Well according to the nurse at my doctor's office, I've only gained 23lbs. But they also had my starting weight 5lbs higher than what I actually weighed. So I'm still saying 28lbs.

Stretch marks?: ::tear:: yes. Just on my love handles. But they're still hideous.
Maternity clothes?: I live in non-maternity dresses & loose tops but maternity shorts.
Sleep?: Hmm..let's see: my hips throb, my pelvis burns, my mind races, this baby has a dance party every time I try to fall asleep & I pee every hour. I sleep maybe a good uninterrupted 2 hours every night if I'm lucky.
Best moment this week?: Finishing up on her nursery!

Food cravings?: I would kill for a big stack of pancakes & a bagel with cream cheese. Curse you, GD!!
Gender?: baby girl!
Movement?: Just rolls & punches to my ribs.

Belly button?: It's what I call out now.
What I miss?: Seriously, everything.
Labor signs?: Not really. Stronger BH contractions & period-like cramps off & on. Does that mean anything?? Probably not
What I'm looking forward to?: Having this baby!! oh, & getting my hair done on Monday. It's a mess right now & I have to look cute for labor ;)
Milestone?: um...14 days left!!!!!
As you can see, I don't care about appearance anymore.
Also, I believe I have dropped a bit.
Can you tell? Humor me.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Stick a fork in me, I'm done!

I'm 37 weeks pregnant today! As in, full term! As in, this baby girl can come out whenever she wants now! Un-freakin-believable!!

How has this time already come? Time is flying by these days & it's freaking me out! I still feel so unprepared. Hell, we just moved into a new house 3 days ago! Her nursery is full of unpacked boxes, yet I want her to be here right now. Am I crazy, or what?

This week has been one of the craziest weeks in a loooong time. I've realized this week that there just simply are not enough hours in a day.

We moved out of our townhome & are now in a much larger house for us to grow as a family for years & years to come. It's been an absolutely exhausting week. Packing up & moving when you're 9 months pregnant is no easy feat. My back & feet hate me for life. Seriously.

Our new place still doesn't feel like home quite yet & I hate that! I love our new house, we just need to make it our home now. I will feel so much better once we get all of the decor up. I'm so weird. I think decor="homey". Also, once baby girl's room is situated, I will feel more at ease. Oh & blinds would probably help too. Right now, we're using cardboard boxes while our blinds are on order.

Now onto pregnancy talk... I had my 36wk appointment on Monday. They did the GBS test & I had my first internal. It wasn't NEARLY as bad as I was anticipating. However, it might as well be Fort Knox down there. I had made zero progress, which is completely normal for 36 weeks I found out. But still, I was bummed. I'm hoping all this moving has made some progress on the good ol' cervix. Claire is still sitting so high though. I think she has dropped a little bit, but I still feel her little feet up by my boobs! Silly girl.

My weight gain is right on track (about 28-30lbs depending on the day), I officially have marshmellow feet & cankles everyday & I don't sleep at night. Period. My mind races with everything I want to get done & I just can't relax. Oh & I officially have the memory of an 87 year old woman. I can't remember anything! My husband has been updating me on things all week about the house & the next day I will ask him the same thing without even remembering he told me. Needless to say, I'm a mess.

Sorry this post is all over the place & sorry my blogging has been the same! I don't think it will change anytime soon, considering baby is coming ;)

Claire Lula, you may come anytime now. Preferably the last week in August so that your Aunt Alie & Papa can meet you before they go out of town on the 1st :(


At this point, I don't care how I look.
I look fluffy & tired all the time & I haven't done my hair all week.
& the shirt/dress I'm wearing is inappropriately short for work & smells like moth balls.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 8, 2008

"You don't marry someone you can live with--you marry someone you cannot live without." -Unknown

Two years ago Sunday, we stood before God, nature, hundreds of family & friends & were united as one for eternity.

Two years ago Sunday, I married my best friend. My rock. My soul mate. My support system. My everything.

Two years ago Sunday, I was made the luckiest 20 year old girl in the world.

We've accomplished a lot in the short two years of our marriage.

We acquired a mortgage, bought a puppy, got a college degree, bought me an SUV, got pregnant, bought another house & most importantly, we have built a solid foundation for a successful & loving courtship

I love you, Dallas Reed Davis. Thank you for standing by me in the the tough times, happy times & all the time. Here's to many, many more years of happiness. I cannot wait to share my future with you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Playing catch up

WOW. What a crazy past few days it's been! I've been going pretty much non-stop since Friday! So that explains my lack of blogging. I had my baby shower on Sunday & Sunday morning, one of my best friends & her mom flew in all the way from Georgia to be here! So that means I had both of my best friends (that coincidentally live in Georgia) here for my baby shower. It meant the world, I can't even tell you.

My sweet mom did most of the planning for this shower & bless her heart, she was so excited & so involved! Everything turned out beautifully the day of thanks to my momma, mother-in-law, sister & sisters-in-law. It was such a great day, except for the fact I was having hot flashes the entire time & could not stop sweating. So gross. But I guess that's what I get for being 35 weeks pregnant, no?

So, that was Sunday! Monday, I took work off because Melissa was still in town so we spent the day eating & shopping (our usual) but I felt so bad because I was so sick & tired. I literally had zero energy to do anything. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch & tend to my swollen feet. I felt like the worst hostess! But, of course she understood (I hope! haha).

Melissa flew back home yesterday morning & I got back to work, which was insane! After work, hubby & I went to our new house for the walk-through with the builder to look at everything & have them fix things that were damaged before we move in. We also found out that we are closing NEXT WEEK!!! That means that we begin the moving process NEXT WEEK! I am a whole mix of emotions right now. Granted I am 9 months pregnant, I'm glad we are doing this before Claire gets here rather than after. I am hoping to get her new room painted (wishful thinking?) the same color as her room now & decorated all cute before she comes, so that means we have a lot to do in the next 30 days or so before she is here!! Wish us luck!!

I think that about covers everything that's been going on in the Davis household, so I will leave you with some pictures from Sunday. Please note that I really am not as large as I appear in the photos (or maybe I am?). I feel like I look enormous everywhere! Meh.

Melissa, Heidi, Gianna & I
It was extremely bright...

My adorable sister, sisters-in-law & me!
Not the most flattering of pictures (of me..)

Carma (my co-worker on the right), Julie & I
The adorable favors!
Water bottles with labels of the date on them

My cute mom made these cupcakes.
They were SO yummy.

Gianna was the life of the party.
Sweetest little lady, ever!!

Decorations :)

Gorgeous Heidi & I

My momma (on the left) me & momma-in-law