
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 20, 2010

38 weeks!

Has it really been a week since I last blogged/left comments on blogs?? Yep. So sorry about that. Life is so busy right now & it's only going to get crazier in the next few weeks.


However, based on my Dr. appointment on Tuesday, I'm not going into labor anytime soon. Baby's head is still high & my cervix is "slightly softening". Meh. I know that anything can happen at any time, I was just hoping for some sort of progress.

My doctor thinks I am just going to be a "typical first time mom that goes past her due date". UGH! That is not what I wanted to hear from him. He did say that if my cervix is open anymore at the next appointment, that he can strip my membranes & hopefully get things moving.

In the meantime, I bought Evening Primose Oil & am taking that 3x a day to hopefully soften things up a bit. We'll see.

Let's do the survey this week:

How far along?: 38 freakin' weeks!

How big is baby?: um, big. That's all I know.
Weight gain?: Well according to the nurse at my doctor's office, I've only gained 23lbs. But they also had my starting weight 5lbs higher than what I actually weighed. So I'm still saying 28lbs.

Stretch marks?: ::tear:: yes. Just on my love handles. But they're still hideous.
Maternity clothes?: I live in non-maternity dresses & loose tops but maternity shorts.
Sleep?: Hmm..let's see: my hips throb, my pelvis burns, my mind races, this baby has a dance party every time I try to fall asleep & I pee every hour. I sleep maybe a good uninterrupted 2 hours every night if I'm lucky.
Best moment this week?: Finishing up on her nursery!

Food cravings?: I would kill for a big stack of pancakes & a bagel with cream cheese. Curse you, GD!!
Gender?: baby girl!
Movement?: Just rolls & punches to my ribs.

Belly button?: It's what I call out now.
What I miss?: Seriously, everything.
Labor signs?: Not really. Stronger BH contractions & period-like cramps off & on. Does that mean anything?? Probably not
What I'm looking forward to?: Having this baby!! oh, & getting my hair done on Monday. It's a mess right now & I have to look cute for labor ;)
Milestone?: um...14 days left!!!!!
As you can see, I don't care about appearance anymore.
Also, I believe I have dropped a bit.
Can you tell? Humor me.


  1. you look great! I can't believe you're a short 14 days away from baby:)

  2. You look great! Aren't you just so excited to meet her? it's like love at 1st sight......When I was in my last 3 weeks I walked ALOT to keep myself sane and take my mind off of the excitement. haha....Good Luck!

  3. You are such a cute pregnant woman!! Since it says you finished up the nursery, you and the hubbs must be getting settled into the new house. When do we get to see pics?!? I am sure it is adorable!

    I am going to keep you in my thoughts hoping that you have some progress at your next appointment.

  4. You look great! It won't be long! I feel your pain on the love handle stretch marks... hate those!

  5. OMG how are you 38 weeks already? I know these last days are going by excruitiatingly slow. I would suggest being as lazy as selfish as possible right now :) You are SO close!!

  6. and you look ridiculously cute with that baby bump!

  7. You look great with that bump! That baby will be here before you know it :)

  8. She really does look like she's dropped some. Way to go CLAIRE :) 2 more weeks! Sending good thoughts your way!

  9. You look gorgeous!!! Ahhhh I can't believe she'll be here in a couple of weeks!

  10. You look fab as you do every week!!! Claire looks a bit lower! Woo Hoo

  11. You look really great! Love your shirt! Hopefully Claire surprises everyone and comes on time:)

  12. You look so awesome!! Time is going to fly! :)

  13. I think you look awesome!! And yes, I totally think you've dropped :-)

  14. It's really exciting :) I hope she comes on time so you don't have to wait too long!
    And you look so pretty, even when you don't care about appearance anymore ;)

  15. You're seriously adorable!
