Claire was just about 7 weeks old when we went last year.
Check out the difference. Sorry for the shitty quality of the photos.

She has a BLAST at the pumpkin patch on Friday. They had goats this year. She was OBSESSED. So cute. She kept saying "hi!" To the goats, and they couldn't care less about her. Sweet girl.

*Claire is 13.5 months old. And more fun & crazy than ever. Period. She is crawling at a lightening speed, into everything & all over the place. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

*She has completed all of her first set of "goals" in Early Intervention!! Her therapist & I are so proud of her. We made a set of new goals, which include cruising along furniture &... WALKING! Eee!!
*She does headstands now. See below.

*I am still pumping. 2x a day. Morning and night. As my ignorant co-worker would say "You're like addicted to burning calories". Riggght. That's EXACLY why I do what I do. Bitch. ha.
*Rather than blogging lately, I have been turning to crafting & baking as my therapy outlet. It's an amazing thing. Wine + crafting after a long day= blisssss. I have consumed more pumpking chocolate chip loaf in the past 2 weeks than I would care to admit.

*I can't WAIT to carve the pumpkins we bought & roast the seeds. FAVORITE part of this season!
*I bought my first pair of TOMS a couple of weeks ago, a half size smaller than I wear in other shoes, since the sales woman said they stretch a lot..... I am STILL waiting for them to stretch out. Owwww.
*I think Claire is a vegetarian. She WILL not eat meat. Any meat that I cut up for her, she immediately veto's it. I don't get it.
*Speaking of meat, I love this time of year, specifically for SOUP season. I make the best/yummiest/fattiest chicken noodle soup, thanks to this momma. I have been following her blog since before I started my own, and she posted this recipe forever ago. I've been hooked ever since. SO DAMN GOOD.
*I have a ton I want to blog about. But there are two big reasons I haven't: 1) I'm busy being a mom, wife & employee & 2) People I know in real life read this blog. And I want to write about things that are going on in my life that may offend said people. Which takes me to my next bullet...
* I think I may make my blog private. I know, I know, SO BORING, right?! Who goes private after this long?! I'm just toying with the idea. I just want to be able to write/word vomit whatever the HELL I WANT without people I actually KNOW reading about it. I hardly blog anymore anyway, so do I even have that big of an audience?! Doubtful .I am just so full of all kinds of emotions, that I think this may be the best option. I'm sick of trying to be all full of rainbows & unicorn shit when I blog these days. I feel so fake.YES, I have an absolutely AMAZING life/family, don't get me wrong. There are so, so many things in my life that are GREAT. but I want to be raw & real without being judged by those that truly know me, and be able to share with my e-friends at the same time. I want the best of both worlds :)
I want to be real. I have not been real here in a while, and that's so not me.
But trust me, if I do go private, I will be sure to let you know. I am fairly certain I've already made the decision, but I will sleep on it a little while longer.
Hope you're all having a great week!