Friday, April 30, 2010
So, this should be fun.
Basically what we're doing is seeing who can spend the least amount of money each week in the month of May. Even though I know hubby will find this very easy, it's more of a challenge to myself to see how much will power I can have to make my own meals everyday. And the results (both physically & financially) will hopefully be great!
So, on Monday; I'm headed to Costco to stock up on veggies, fruit, lunch meat, lettuce & whatever else I need so I can make my own lunches as well as dinners. No eating out.
This is going to be HARD, but I'm up for the challenge & so excited for the results!
Wish us luck!!
If any of you have money saving tips you use in your household, let me know!! I'm so open to suggestions!
Oh, and the crib arrived today!!! Can you believe it? I just ordered the dang thing on Tuesday & it's already at our house! After we paint tomorrow & it dries on Sunday, we'll be setting that baby up! I can't wait!!! I know it's early, but we have it; so we might as well assemble it right??
Have a wonderful weekend lovely ladies.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
21 weeks.
Things are going well on the pregnancy front. Nothing really new & exciting except that HUBBY FELT CLAIRE for the first time last night! She was movin' & groovin' for a good 30 minutes & I finally put his hand on my lower abdomen & thump, thump. She kicked him!! It was seriously so sweet! His face lit up. At first he thought I was tricking him & thought I made that thump. Uh, no. That was baby girl! Yay!!
Ok, survey time!
How far along?: 21 weeks!!
How big is baby?: Approx. the size of a large banana.
Weight gain?: Since I'm exercising & cutting back on the horrible foods, I weigh the same as last week! Thank goodness.
Stretch Marks?: None yet. I hope none ever!
Maternity Clothes?: Yesssir
Sleep?: Honestly, no complaints-once Clarie stops kicking me. I just hate waking up in the mornings. It's damn near impossible
Best moment this week?: Ordering the crib! & Definitely yesterday when hubby felt baby girl kick!
Food cravings?: Nothing new. Still MEXICAN! Oh & french toast. I love how I crave all the healthy things.....
Gender?: Baby girl!!!
Movement?: Yes. Everyday now. She's very active either after I eat or when I lay down on my back.
What I miss?: Being able to stand or walk for more than 30 minutes without my shins killing me. Oy.
Belly button?: pretty much completely flat. I HATE how there's just a big hole in my shirts. I'd rather it be out than all flat & deep. haha.
What I'm looking forward to?: Getting the crib in & painting the nursery this weekend!
Milestone?: Buying the crib? Claire kicking her daddy :)
21 week belly. Please excuse my hair, kthanks.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
If baby girl was measuring a week ahead at last week's ultrasound (measuring at my original due date of September 1st), would that technically make me 21w6d, rather than 20w6d??
Or is she just measuring big for the hell of it?
Please tell me. Because a week is crucial in pregnancy land, after all.
Monday, April 26, 2010
We're slowly progressing!
We decided on a paint color for the nursery ::claps & cheers:: We're going with the color Minted Lemon by Behr. We went back & forth a lot on whether we wanted to do cream or a green color. The cream looked nasty on our walls & the green was, perfect! We knew we didn't want pink, as the bedding is pink & we wanted something that would accent it. I hate matchy matchy when it comes to, well; anything. So, we're going with green! I promise it will look nice!
We also picked up some absofrickinadorable birdie decor from Hobby Lobby on Saturday (her theme is birdies). I cannot wait to show it all off!
Yesterday we registered at BRU & today.... we BOUGHT THE CRIB!!
We had one from JcPenny's picked out for the longest time & today, hubby was doing some looking around & found this one that we liked much, much more & was only about $30 more than the one we originally picked out! Woot! I can't wait to get it! The dresser/changer that goes with it, we don't love; so we're going to wait until we get the crib assembled & then try & find something that will match this.
We're painting this weekend & will of course keep you updated on it :)
Oh & my sunburn looks 876541 times worse than yesterday. I hope it will go away soon because I hate walking around looking like a pregnant lobster. But the good news is, the planet on my face got substantially smaller. Hey, I'll take what I can get.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Strike ONE against this pregnant lady.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Half baked baby!
We went for our 20 week Anatomy Scan today & baby girl looks perfect! No signs of Down Syndrome, no cleft pallet, no clubbed hands or feet & everything in functioning normally! We are so grateful. She's even measuring back to my original due date, (Sept. 1st.) 21 weeks! wow! Grow baby girl, grow!
My weight on the other hand, now that's a different story. The doctor isn't concerned at all, but I am all freaked out! I know I'm supposed to gain weight, I just feel like I've been gaining it too fast. I don't know. So, salads for me from here on out. NO MORE MEXICAN!
And um, I know I have a ways to go, but I can't walk without my groin hurting, like the muscles are being pulled in 8 directions. I've caught myself waddling a few times because it's so painful. It's really cute when I do that. Also, if I stand for too long, my shins hurt-shin splints! WTF?? I bet you it's all that extra weight I'm "lugging" around.
How far along?: 20 weeks!!!!!
How big is baby?: The size of a cantaloupe. Whaaa??!
Weight Gain?: I'm just gonna say it. 15 pounds. Ohmylord. I've gained half of my allotted weight in the first half of my pregnancy. Normal? I hope so. I just need to watch what I eat a little more & continue my daily walks & I should be fine.
Stretch Marks?: No. Not yet. I'm definitely growing, but I hope those stretchies keep their distance.
Maternity Clothes?: All bottoms. I can still get away with larger tops & dresses that are non-maternity. I rocked my first summer dress the other day. It was nice :)
Sleep?: Good when hubby isn't snoring. My Snoogle is not keeping me on my left side though!! I constantly wake up on my back. What's up with that?
Best Moment this week?: Seeing Claire today on that machine & knowing she's healthy. Also, reaching the halfway mark!
Food Cravings?: I've officially turned into "that" pregnant chick & am craving PICKLES! I indulged in a few last week & then I noticed they have 75,000mg or sodium. That explains why my face & feet looked so chubby. ha!
Gender?: Tiny Dancer!
Movement?: YES! All the time! Everyday! Still can't feel anything from the outside, but that girl is wild!
What I miss?: My groin not hurting every time I walk. Oy.
Belly Button?: It's officially flat. And it shows through all my shirts. So gross. AND it hurts. What the hell?
What I'm looking forward to?: Getting started on the nursery!
Milestone?: Halfway there oh & strangers commenting & touching my belly (that's sort of weird)!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010
A hodge podge post.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It was absolutely gorgeous weather here & we took advantage of it!
On Thursday, D & I broke out our grill & bbq'd for the first time this year. It was so fun! We grilled the usual- hot dogs & burgers & I got a sudden craving for bell peppers, so we grilled those too! YUMMM!!
Friday after work, I met my momma at the convention center where they were having a children's consignment sale. It was a total bust. There was hardly anything there, but we did find a cutr Pottery Barn changing pad cover that was brand new. So mom got me that! At the other end of the convention center, they were having the annual "What a Woman Wants" expo, so we checked that out & I got these adorable little baby loafers for Claire. They were $8 & they kill me. So cute.
Saturday, me & hubby woke up bright and early (ermm, 10am), packed up the puppy & headed out to a local trail. It was so gorgeous out & I actually got a little color (read: sunburn)! Oh how I despise my pasty skin. After that, we went out for some pizza; to you know, cancel out the workout we just got.
Sunday, we went to our fave. breakfast spot, ate entirely too many calories & then I went shopping. We ended the weekend with a bbq at the in-laws. It was great!
I will leave you with a few (hundred) pictures. D scrounged up an old cord that worked with my camera, thank goodness; & I finally uploaded the pictures from when my BFF Heidi & Gianna were here. yay! So, enjoy!
Claire's new kicks. HAHA!
The Dr. Suess onesie I picked up at Dillard's
thanks to Mrs. G!

I love!

Puppy enjoying the gorgeous weather
My husband being...himself. I promise we don't live in
the boonies, he just dresses like it.
Like his outfit?? hahahaha!!
Me, Mrs. F & Gigi
Gianna trying to play with my puppies.
Cute girl!
Being a flirt. Good thing her daddy wasn't there!
Getting ready for her nap!

Walking with Momma

Look at that face! ::dies::
Ah! she's not old enough to be drinking out
of a sippy cup!!! (ok, she really is)
Being silly at lunch
Feeding sweet baby her bottle.
I love her!! (don't look at me, I look weird)

Hope you enjoyed my very random post! Have a lovely day!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
You know you're pregnant when,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
19 weeks.
In the last 5 or so weeks of pregnancy, I have begun to realize that pregnancy sure is a humbling experience. I mean, you watch your body grow/morph & change right before your eyes & there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Your skin stretches, your face gets fat & breaks out, your back aches & you can't drink for a whole 9+ months. While it's an amazing thing to be growing a human, it's hard not to have some hard times in these 40 weeks.
On Saturday, my momma took me shopping to get some cute summer maternity clothes. She knew I had been having a rough week & wanted to make me feel pretty I guess :)
I am fairly certain I tried on every item in that store. Numerous designer maternity jeans filled my dressing room & none of them fit me right. I tried on my usual size 27. They wouldn't even fit over my thighs. So, I went up to a 29 ::gulp:: & well, they barely fit over my butt. I wanted to sit & cry & feel defeated. I whined to my mom & she kept reminding me "you're pregnant, NOT fat". Oh, ya, that's right. All of this is temporary & I will be ok. I ended up walking out with some cozy lounge pants, a tank top & a long gorgeous summer dress that makes me feel like a million bucks. So jeans aren't my thing this pregnancy, so what?
Don't get me wrong, I am loving being pregnant; because, well I do get a child at the end of it. And, I love the fact the people tell me I'm "glowing" and look so beautiful, even though I sometimes think they're full of it. It makes me feel good & makes me step back & think of the real reason I am doing this- for me, for my husband, for us. We have been blessed with the wonderful gift from God & I thank Him for that every single day.
I have my moments with feeling self conscience & then, Claire kicks me & wiggles in there & I am reminded yet again how amazing this experience is, even with some rough patches.
Baby Girl, I love you more everyday. Daddy & I cannot wait to meet you in 4 short months. Keep growing strong & healthy in there.
Love, momma

Monday, April 12, 2010
I've got some business to take care of...

Annd...I'm so bad at these, but I got some sweet awards from a few ladies last week that I never posted about.

And sassy Sarah, for this award! I just love this girl. She's so honest & hilarious. It's refreshing!
The rules for this award go as followed:
* Accept & thank the fellow bloggie who gave this to you
* List 10 things about yourself
* List 5 additional things that you don't like
* Award this to 10 other fellow bloggies
Ok, here we go then:
1- I am always on time everywhere I go. I love it & hate it at the same time. It makes me look like a goodie goodie. But I really don't mean to always be on time. It just, happens.
2- My hair has been blonde since I came out of the womb. I die it lighter blonde, but have never been a brunette.
3- I have "suffered" from depression since the ripe age of 12. I used to be so embarrassed of admitting I took anti-depressants, but it's something I embrace. I am open about it in hopes of saving other people from suffering from it. Depression is a very common sickness & is not something to take lightly.
4- I'm left handed. The only one in my family. I guess this is my special talent.
5- I have some extreme self-esteem issues. Always have, always will.
6- My husband calls my beautiful at least 75 times a day. It helps with the above issue, that's for sure :)
7- I am not afraid to speak my mind & stand up for what I believe. Momma calls my the most outspoken person she's ever met, in a good way :)
8- I care way too much about what others think of me.
9- I sound like I'm 12 on the phone & on video camera.
10- I drive an H3 Hummer & so does my husband. We're twinners. I know, lame.
Now for 5 things I don't like:
1- I cannot stand slow drivers. It's usually the old folk that get on my last nerve. I think once you reach the age of 60, you should have to take the driving test again.
2- I really don't like flakey & unreliable people. Just not a good trait to have.
3- The Mormon religion pisses me off. Just sayin'.
4- I can't stand hair in the shower. Even if it's mine, I can't touch it.
5- I hate the smell of lysol when you walk in a bathroom that's supposed to cover up the poop smell. To be honest, I'd rather just smell poop.
Now, I shall pass on this award to the following lucky ladies:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hello Weekend
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
18 weeks!

Monday, April 5, 2010
This little girl is spoiled already!

Now onto more important things like baby girl's clothes & accessories:
Grandma got her this little newborn tye dye onsie. So adorable!

And this little Ralph Lauren dress...

I also bought this adorable summer dress in size 9mo for $5! How stinkin' cute!

Her Nana (my momma) bought her these adorable ballerina socks right after we found out Claire was in fact a girl.

This bracelet kills me. It's about the size of my big toe (ok maybe bigger).

Friday, April 2, 2010
IT'S A...
I knew it all along, but just having the confirmation makes it so much more amazing & real.
Her name will be: Claire Lula. As lame as it sounds, hubby & I have had our baby's names picked out since junior year in high school & we've never once changed our minds. Her middle name is hubby's great-grandmother's name & I've always loved the name Claire. So, there ya go!
She was so cooperative for the technician yesterday. She was kicking up a storm & I could feel her a couple of times actually! It was truly amazing.
As you know, D is out of town & was perfectly fine with me going with just our mom's & I just called him afterwards & told him. He's elated. It's so sweet.
Since the place we went for the ultrasound was in the mall, you better believe that the grandmas had to go to a baby boutique right after & get Claire bows, a little hat & ballerina socks.
I'll leave you with some pictures of Claire. Have a happy Easter ladies!

Baby girl sucking her thumb