I'm 26 weeks today & I feel bigger & more uncomfortable than ever. I know what you're thinking- "just waitttttt until you're 36 weeks!!" But for real, I really started to get uncomfortable this week. I feel like I'm growing at a rapid pace & my skin feels like it's going to break from stretching!! Oy.
Miss Claire is doing just fine in the womb. She weighs about 2lbs & she has found my bladder. She either lays on it or kicks it all. day. long. Silly girl.
Some milestones this week: I officially waddle. Especially later in the day when I'm exhausted. It's reallllly attractive. Also, sleep is becoming quite a task. I fall asleep for a couple of hours & wake up to my hips THROBBING. Oh my gosh. It is so painful. Even with my Snoogle. Poor me.
Anyway, hubby & I are packing up our bathing suits & puppy & heading down to St. George tonight to spend the weekend in the yummy sunshine by the pool & yes, I will be wearing a bikini (and 100 spf). Judge if you may, but I will be a heck of a lot comfier with my bump hanging out rather than shoving it into a one piece. ACK! Hubby's little sister lives down there & we'll just be staying with her. I'm excited! But wish me luck on the 4 hour car ride as it will most likely turn into a 6 hour car ride with all the tinkle stops we'll have to make for me.
I didn't feel like doing the survey this week, so I'll just leave it there.
I hope you all have a wonderful 3 day weekend!!