It's been 3 months.
3 months since my (not so wee) baby has come into this world.
I could go on & on about how much I can't believe she has grown & how quickly time has passed, but you all know that! Time speeds up once you have kids. I feel like 3 months of having my baby here is nothing compared to 3
months of pregnancy.
Claire is a completely different baby since the day we brought her home from the hospital. She's so much more than the "lifeless blob" that just slept & ate all day. Now she coos & laughs (even though her version of laughing is coughing, haha!) & smiles & is just the sweetest thing ever. I could have never imagined loving a living thing as much as I love this little girl. It's simply amazing.
At 3 months, Claire:
* Sleeps from 7pm-7am (give or take) in her crib! The transition from swing to crib was a breeze. So much easier than anticipated.
*Wears size 1 diapers.
* Doesn't really enjoy her Bumbo. She prefers to lay on her back flailing those long limbs, rather than being confined.
* Can lift her head like a champ

* Does sit ups if she's sitting on an incline. She hates being still!
* Hates being on her tummy.

*Has rolled from back to tummy & tummy to back, only one day. Last week. And not since then.
* Responds to our voices

*"Talks & tells stories" constantly
* Suddenly enjoys chewing on her hands &blankets

*Only takes a paci when I lay her down for a nap & then spits it out once she's asleep. Fine by me!

*Weighs approx. 10-11lbs. That's just my guestimate. I haven't had her weighed for about 2 weeks & as of then, she weighed 9.8lbs! YAY for baby girl growing!
* Wears 0-3mo clothing, but most of it is baggy on her, but newborn clothing is a bit too snug. Hmph

*Eats 4-5 oz of breast milk every 3hrs through a bottle.
*Takes Baby Prevacid once a day for her reflux. Poor babe.
*Takes 3-4 cat naps throughout the day. She rarely sleeps for more than an
hour at a time. Sometimes she'll be a crank, I'll put her in her swing & she will surprise me with a 2 hr nap. But considering she is sleeping so great during the night, I'll take it!
*Is a creature of habit & routine. Just like Momma.
*Only naps in her swing or car seat (when we are driving/moving of course).
*LOVES her play gym. Seriously, she could lay under that thing & swat at her toys for hours
*LOVES bath time, still. And is very messy while in there at that. Splashes water everywhere!
* LOVES music & t.v. (she's mainly just enthralled with all the different colors & noises of it).
* Her Nana just discovered she loves books. I always thought she was still too young to enjoy them, but my mom read her the 2 books we do have while I was a work yesterday & she said Claire was very content & loved looking at the pictures. Looks like books are on her Christmas list. Anyone know where I can get fun books for cheap?? :)
Hmm.. I think that about covers Little Miss Claire.
How am I, you ask?
Well, at 3 months post partum, I:
*Have lost all 30lbs of baby weight, plus some (yay for pumping:))
*Am exclusively pumping 4oz. every 3 hours. Such a pain, especially at work,but so worth it for me & her!
*Still sleep with my Snoogle. I can't rid myself of that thing. Trust me. I've tried!
*Have a pretty darn good freezer stash of breast milk.
*Can fit back into most of my jeans with the occasional muffin top.
*Still have my stretch marks, but they have faded somewhat.
*Still have zero sex drive. Poor husband.
*& no, AF has not returned. Thank God.
So, ya. Probably more information that you care to know; but I felt like I needed to write that all out mainly for my record.