Friday, February 26, 2010
Feeling a little nervous & confused
All of these things I keep hearing about the NT scan & 1st trimester screening is what's causing my confusion. I'm on The Bump everyday & see all these posts about women who are getting the NT scan or screening & I have no idea if I'm supposed to get this done too!? I know the NT scan is not necessary, but I would like some peice of mind. I'm just confused. Did any of you have these things done? Or are you going to?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I am *hopefully* almost over morning sickness, but I don't want to jinx anything. I only feel sick in the morning which is a huge step up from feeling sick all day. But guys, let me tell you that me & Bath & Body Works are not friends right now. Every single scent I have at my house from there makes me want to vomit i.e. my wallflowers (had to un-plug all of them) my bodywash (had to switch to something less scented) my soap & lotion? fagetaboutit. YUCK! Oh & I haven't been able to wear my beloved Lola by Marc Jacobs perfume that D got me for Christmas. Last time I wore it (about 3 wks ago) I almost barfed ::sigh:: Hopefully the second tri will allow me to love my scents again.
Survey Time:
How far along?: 12 weeks
How big is baby?: A plum!! Grow babyyy
Weight Gain?: I think I have come off a gaining period & am finally evening out. Hopefully I've lost a little from the bloat that has subsided
Maternity Clothes?: still just the BeBand
Stretch Marks?: nope, nope
Sleep?: um, if I could sleep all day & night, I would. The exhaustion really sets in around 3 & doesn't let up until I crash on the couch around 5:30. Oh & I also pee 4X before I even fall asleep at night.
Best Moment this Week?: well since this week has been very uneventful, I would say hitting the 12 wk mark is the best.
Movement?: not yet!
Food Cravings?: nothing too exciting. If you can believe it, I have been wanting grapes & apples a lot!
Gender: Hopefully we'll find out in about 4 weeks!
What I miss?: not feeling like I got hit by a truck everyday & my skinny jeans
Belly Button?: INNNIE
What I'm looking forward to?: my next doctor appt. next week!
Milestone: 1 week until the second trimester!

Monday, February 22, 2010
I guess I'm beautiful...

Here are the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you & have a link to their blog
Copy the award & paste it to your blog
Tell us 7 interesting facts about yourself
Nominate 7 bloggers you love & link to their blog
Ok here we go with some "interesting" facts:
* I have 4 tattoos. None of which mean anything. I got my first one when I was 17 on my big toe, which is my favorite. It's of a cross with a rose going through it. When I was 18, I got a daisy on the right side of my lower stomach (ew). I can only imagine how fugly this will be in a few months. Then I got a heart with wings on the back of my neck when I was 19... I like this one ok & lastly, I have an outline of a sparrow on the inside of my ankle that I got on a whim with one of my best friend's last summer (wasn't that fun Kati??! haha!)
* I have an obsession with 16 & Pregnant & Teen Mom on MTV. I don't know what it is, but I find those girls so fascinating. Maybe because not only do I feel sorry for them, but it makes me feel normal about my own life
* I love rap & hip hop music. Why? Because I am black on the inside. HA. Just kidding. But ever since I was like 14, I have loved that music & dancing to it. Ask my friends ;)
* I have a massive crush on Zac Efron ::swoons:: he is so yummy & sexy & hot &.... ok you get the point. And am I the only one who doesn't think Johnny Depp is hot in any way, shape or form?
* I do not do well with money. I mean, I cannot pay bills, look at our bank account status or anything to the extent. It gives me the worst anxiety to know how much we do or don't have. Weird? Yes.
* I am the biggest homebody you will ever meet. Ever since I was little, I have never liked to be away from home for an extended period of time. I never slept over at other girls' houses, they always had to come to mine. I am a creature of habit & routine. To this day, I would rather sit at home & watch a movie on the weekends than go out.
* I am really afraid & grossed out by nursing homes. The smell & the overall atmosphere makes me want to vomit & the old people that try to make conversation or chase me in wheel chairs really scare me. I know this may sound mean, but it's true!!
Ok, now to nominate 7 ladies (even though they may have already received this award):
Melissa @ The Atkinson Family
Megan @ 2 of a Kind Working on a Full House
Ashley Paige @ I Love you More Than Carrots
Jenny @ The Semans Family
Melissa @ Hanging With Mr. Cooper
Carolyn @ The Kipper Family Blog
Ashley @ The Ruby Baby
Friday, February 19, 2010
Our Valentine's Day & Cali Vacation

The competition started on Sunday night, so during the day, mom & I went shopping at an awesome mall, treated ourselves to Valentine's day pedicures & had lunch at California Pizza kitchen. For dinner, we went to the hotel restaurant & we were the only non-couple there. OOPS!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Good lordy I'm gettin' up there, even though it's going by soooooo slow. I decided to do my pregnancy post today & a vacation post tonight (even though I said I would do it last night, I couldn't muster up the energy to do anything but lay on the couch & eat lucky charms).
All things pregnancy related are going well. I'm *slowly* getting out of the woods as far as "morning" sickness goes. I'm nauseous if I don't eat, but besides that, I've been doing fine! WAHOO!
How far along?: 11 weeks
How big is baby?: a lime. yumm! makes me want budlight lime ;)
Weight gain?: I don't own a scale, therefore don't know how much I've gained since last appt. I sure as hell haven't lost anything
Maternity Clothes?: I received my Old Navy order last Friday & was so excited. Then I opened the box & the clothes looked like tents. The dress (a small) looked like it could fit a small elephant & the jeans? The jeans looked like something from the 70's & WERE HUGE!!! So, I returned those of course & have been living in leggings & long shirts. I tell ya, maternity clothes on a budget are not very cute (at least in my opinion).
Stretch Marks?: I thought I saw one on my side & flipped out, but it was just a line & went away. THANK GOODNESS
Sleep?: amazing. all the time. Except when I wake up at 3am starving then I have to get something to eat or else I'll puke.
Best moment this week?: my wonderful Cali vacation of course!
Movement?: nope, nope.
Food cravings?: just food in general. Nothing healthy though
Gender?: Me thinks it's a girl.
Belly button in or out?: innnnnn
What I miss?: My skinny face & my libido (my poor husband)!!! && Chardonnay (duh).
What I'm looking forward to?: reaching the 2nd trimester!!!
Milestones: anotha' week down I suppose.
Sorry my survey Q's change every week, I am always finding different variations that I like better.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I'm baaaacccckkk.
I have lots of catching up to do but have no pictures downloaded yet & what fun is a post with no pictures?? So, I will be back tonight with updates & pictures :)
p.s. I'm 11 weeks pregnant today!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
I'm going, going, back, back, to Cali, Cali.
Tomorrow, Momma & I will be headed to the lovely city of L.A. to watch my little sister compete with the Oregon Dance Team. WOOO HOOO!
I need a vacation so bad & granted it's only for a couple of days, it's still a get-a-way. & yes, I will be gone for Valentine's day butttt, we're celebrating tonight (with Salmon & crab cakes) to make up for it.
Hubby is not too thrilled I will be gone, but he'll get over it ;)
I'll post next week & let you know how our Valentine's went (because I am cooking, God help us) & how my trip went
Have a wonderful weekend & a wonderful Valentine's day with your loved ones! Have a glass (or 3) of wine for me please!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Double Digits
I feel bigger this week. Bigger everywhere. My boobs, my hips (or lack there of), my face (OHMYGOSH), and my belly!!! I know it's all bloat at this point and I just wish my tummy would just pop already.
One of my best friends who just got engaged over Thanksgiving called me last week saying that they were thinking about moving the wedding from the summer of 2011 to THIS SUMMER. It wouldn't be a big deal if I wasn't in her line!! She asked me if I still felt comfortable being in the line since I would be 7-8months pregnant, I said of course; but that puts a lot of pressure on me. That means I have to do some serious arm exercises between now & July/August if I want to look halfway decent. YIKES.
Ok, moving onto the survey:
How are along?: 10 weeks!
Total weight gain: well as of last Tuesday, I was up 6 lbs. Um, that's really embarrassing
How big is baby?: The size of a prune, still seems so little!!
Maternity Clothes?: Well I just ordered a bunch of summer clothes from Old Navy. They were having this amazing sale, so I couldn't resist. Today on my lunch, I am going to try to find some long shirts/tunics that I can wear with leggings because I cannot stand wearing my jeans anymore & the BeBand is bugging me! So uncomfortable!!
Stretch marks?: Please No!!
Sleep?: I have found myself being SOO much more tired lately, but have a really hard time falling asleep mixed with peeing 3X a night.
Best Moment this week?: I guess ordering my first maternity clothes. Big moment people!
Movement?: Ya, that would be a negative
Food Cravings?: Taco Bell bean burritos with extra cheese please. Seriously, I crave this constantly.
Belly button?: Still innie :)
What I miss: My figure, my designer jeans (I should get used to this one), and Chardonnay (still)
Milestone: Inching my way to the 2nd Trimester! T minus 3 weeks & counting!
Oh & see those jeans I have on? Well those babies used to be HUGE on me. I would have to pull them up past my belly button for them to stay.
Now? I can barely get them over my hips & butt & they are being held together by a hair tie.
Ok, I'm done with my pity party.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I'm pretty sure I jinxed myself.

Besides my growing baby & bean burritos, another thing that makes me happy?
This adorable onesie (no clue how to spell that) that hubbs & I picked up the other night.
SO CUTE, right?!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
9 Weeks!
Things are going well on the pregnancy front. I have my first pre-natal appointment on Tuesday & just got a bunch of blood drawn, peed in a cup & my favorite part of all... THE ULTRASOUND!!
Baby has grown so much since last week. It's actually starting to look like a baby now instead of just a blob! S/he was moving their little arms up & down & flipping all around. It was SO cool! We found the heartbeat right away just a beatin' 173bpm. The dr. then put the doppler on my tummy to see if by chance he could hear the heartbeat this early on. And, he could! It was seriously the sweetest sound I have ever heard in my life. AMAZING.
SO cool!

How far along: 9 weeks!!
Total weight gain: I am so embarrassed to admit this, but I have gained almost 6lbs! REALLY?! In my defense though, I feel like it is all water & bloat. God, I hope so. I need to slow my roll
How big is baby?: the size of a green olive
Maternity clothes?: nope, just rockin' the BeBand
Stretch Marks?: Nope
Sleep: This has been ok. I wake up at least 3x a night to pee.
Best moment this week?: Seeing my baby of course!
Movement: Uh. No.
Food Cravings: Unfortunately, anything that's not healthy. I made DH make a 10:30 run to Taco Bell the other night because I needed a bean burrito or I may have died. I guess that explains the weight gain. hmmmm....
Labor Signs: I am going to remove this question because it is so irrelevant
Belly Button: Innie.
What I miss: Chardonnay. Still. Feeling pretty & good about myself
What I'm looking forward to: Entering the 2nd trimester in a few weeks!!
Milestone: Anotha' week down :)

Monday, February 1, 2010
I *think* I've found my cure...
I just wanted to let you ladies know this great news & also that my 1st pre-natal appt. is tomorrow! WAHOO!
Happy Monday, and February 1st (ohmygoodness)!