Friday, January 29, 2010
Cheers to what my new job will be as of...tomorrow...
Ok, so I'm not really going to become a prostitute, but for reals; I about had a heart attack when I found out what our maximum out of pocket is for our insurance ::drumroll please:: $4000 big ones ::faints, then dies:: And that's not including my $1000 individual deductible I have to meet before they'll even pay 80% of medical costs. Are we screwed? yes. Is it worth it? HELL YES.
I guess I should be thankful that we even have insurance through my husband's work, but my goodness; do they make us pay enough??
Cheers to an expensive (but worth it) 9months.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
8 weeks!
Stretch Marks?- None yet. The ones on my boobs decided to disappear...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Update on yesterday!

Monday, January 25, 2010
Just another Monday
But no matter how bad my day starts out, this little girl always makes me feel better:

Also, I get to go see my little blueberry today on an ultrasound!!! YAYYY!! I'm crossing my fingers we will be able to hear the heartbeat!! That would be so great.
I will keep you ladies posted on how my appointment goes. And I hope everyone has a better Monday than me :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Oh my God. What have I done?!?

Thursday, January 21, 2010
7 weeks!!
Annnnd is it totally bad that I found the crib I want?? I do admit, I'm crazy; but it's SO cute!

How far along?- 7 weeks.
Total weight gain?- well between Mickey D's & Chick-fil-a, I'd say 3lbs ::gasp::
How big is baby?- A little blueberry. My blueberry!
Maternity Clothes?- Not yet, but I'm seriously considering buying a bella band. This rubber-band trick just ain't cuttin' it anymore...
Sleep?- The couch & my bed are my best friends lately. No, seriously.
Best moment this week?- good question...HA!
Movement?- gas counts, right?? ;)
Food cravings?-really the only thing I have been able to stomach this week is greasy foods. I know that's so bad. But it's my cure to "morning" sickness
Labor signs?- That would be a NO
Belly button?- innie!
What I miss?- My good friends chardonnay & iced lattes
What I'm looking forward to- Seeing my blueberry on Monday!
Milestone- Another week down!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Our little love story
So, since I am very bored at work today, I thought it would be fun to tell the story of how my husband & I met & a few, errr, a lot of photos; including ones from our gorgeous August 8th, 2008 wedding. I always find it fun to read on others' blogs how they got where they are today with their significant others. Hope you enjoy! & I'm sorry if you find this boring... that would suck.
My husband & I met when we were 14. At freshman high school orientation. We had no interest in each other though, in fact; at that time me & all of my friends were crazy for Mrs F's hubbs. Isn't that hilarious?!
Anyway, around Christmas of '02, I was told that Dallas Davis had a crush on me. What?! The playboy who's an attention whore?! (sorry honey, you know you were) Well of course since he was interested in me now, I was too! DUH! I still wonder to this day why he was interested in a scrawny, very pale, lanky, 90lb girl. He claims it's because I looked like Avril Lavigne (HA!)...
So, Valentine's '03 rolled around & we went to the dance together. & with the exception of some dramatic break-ups (on his part), and some major game playing in the early days (on his part, again); we were just the stereo-typical high school football-player-cheerleader-couple.
So, we dated all through high school, got engaged at 19; married at 20 & will be parents at 22.
I'd say all that drama in our younger years was totally worth it. But I would never go back :)
Now, for your entertainment, some pictures
Monday, January 18, 2010
Annnnd cue the pregnancy hormones...
Me: (RAWRRRR), will you Google how to clean grout, I'm gettin' pissed with all this dirt! (on my hands and knees, scrubbing the tile with a swiffer cloth, yelling to hubbs upstairs)
Hubbs: Uh.. ya...
Me: (...5 minutes later) WELL!!!!... DID YOU FIND ANYTHING?!?!
Hubbs: Ya, all it says is some elbow grease, a toothbrush & bleach.
Me: (where can I get elbow grease???) Ok, well do you have an old toothbrush I can use?
Hubbs: I think there's one in the garage
Me: Well, get it for me
Hubbs: No. You're NOT getting on your hands & knees & cleaning every square inch of the tile
Me: YESIAM!!!!!!!
Just for the record, I never ended up cleaning my floor with a toothbrush, but I WILL! It just goes to show that these hormones aren't going away anytime soon.
Hubbs still loves me & that's all that matters. I'm carrying his child damn it!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I hate this feeling.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
6 weeks!!! (and 1 day)...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Can I just say...
Since I can't blame the baby because it's only the size of a blueberry (mmm, blueberries!), I blame these guys :
GRRR!!! Notice how the entire large box of fries is empty?? um, ya.
Furthermore, I need to start eating my greens, fruits & fiber asap! because I am freaking out
(that is a wreath behind my head people, not a headdress)
On a happier note, we get to go see our little blueberry in 1 hour!! I will update you guys later :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Two More Awards?!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ooohh La, La.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Today, my world became brighter
We went into the ultrasound room & the doctor told me "I'm still worried you might have a tubal pregnancy." ::cue the watering eyes & sweaty palms:: He did a tummy ultrasound and didn't see anything (which I kind of expected). Then came out the infamous dildo cam... as soon as he started looking, we saw what changed our lives forever: the sac and a little teeny tiny flickering heartbeat! OHMYGOODNESSGRACIOUS. We were so relieved and in shock that we saw the little life we created right before our eyes! PERFECT!!
The doctor then explained to me that he wanted to see me every week until my 1st appointment (Feb. 2nd) and continue to keep tabs on the pain in my ovary & see what the heck is going on, that's fine with me! I'm not going to argue about seeing little beanie baby every week :)
On a side-note, I have almost died 3 times today do to my extreme dizziness & nausea. HELP! Any suggestions that you former-preggies or current-preggies have that you think will help, please let me know! I have yet to actually get sick, but ohmyyyygosh! At least that's a good sign everything's going well!!
And I will leave you with our prized possession we walked away with today:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
::sigh of relief::
Did anyone else have to wait until they were 10 WEEKS for your first appointment? I just think this is too long to wait! Why not the normal 8 weeks? Every pregnant mother is extremely anxious especially in the 1st trimester, so why does my doctor not see me until I'm nearing the end of the first trimester?? Just wondering.
Next week I will start the weekly belly pictures, because who doesn't love looking at a bloated 6 wk pregnant belly?? I am obviously not showing yet, but it sure looks like I'm about 4 months along with how bloated I am, oh well!

Monday, January 4, 2010
It's a new year!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the year so far! I was until today when my doctor's office lost my hcg results & now won't get them until tomorrow!!! OH THE AGONY!!
I suppose I'll survive. hehe. I'll keep you guys posted for those of you who are interested!!