
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, September 23, 2011

You know what's REALLY weird?

Getting your period for the first time after 22 months & remembering where you keep your tampons.
Oh ya. YOU DON'T HAVE ANY. oops.

I haven't had "it"since November, 2009. The last cycle before I got pregnant. How weird is that?!
  I so didn't miss it.

Welcome back, old friend. Notttt.

Aren't you glad you opened this post? ;)


    i have a TMI comment to go with this but won' me later haha

  2. I just got my first one after 21 months!! It isnt fun and I did NOT miss it either!

  3. i didn't nurse and got mine after 8 weeks. you finally think the endless bleeding is over, and then BAM. mother nature is a b*tch. :)

    hope yours becomes more regular than mine is. i was like clockwork until i got pregnant with ryann. you want to know how many pregnancy tests i've wasted since she was born? too many. stupid uncooperative body.

    wow, aren't you glad you know so much about my period now? :)

  4. I'm actually slightly jealous. With both my kids, I had my period within 6 months of giving birth. The first time I got it after having my oldest was like being in labor again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hahaha...oh girl, I hear ya. It is the worst! I have serious flashbacks to contractions/labor...not cool!

  7. I had this happen to me a month ago. I had nothing, and no car. It was 100 degrees outside and I had to pack Ethan up and walk half a mile to CVS. So fun.

  8. Lol you crack me up. My condolences... ;)

  9. I didn't get mine until after I stopped nursing, and you definitely forget how badly it stinks! I could mail you a truckload of tampons- I started couponing and have enough for 25 women. Okay, maybe not that many, but still.

  10. you know what fixes that?

    getting pregnant again.

    juuuuuuust kidding!!!!!!

  11. 2 words for you. Diva Cup.
    You will never have to remember to buy tampons again.

  12. Lucky girl! My son is just turning 6 months old, I am still breastfeeding, and have had 2 already. Aunt Flo just misses me, I guess!

  13. I'm surprised it stayed away for so long! Mine came back at 7 months. I started using Instead Softcups and like them much better than tampons.

  14. Ugh. I do not want mine back. It's been 20 months...
