
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm pretty sure I jinxed myself.

Remember that happy post I did on how B6 was my cure all? Well remind me never to brag about how good I feel again, because inevitably; it's going to come back & bight me in the arse.


My life has consisted of laying on the couch in all of my free time & moaning, complaining & eating taco bell bean burritos because my hell, that's all that ever sounds good. B6 is pretty much not doing anything for me. I feel nauseous, dizzy, exhausted oh & ugly. You name it. Anything BUT good.

My Momma keeps telling me that this is a good sign that the babe is doing well, so that's what's keeping me going.

Like the song says "put on a ha-ppy face"
(I'm wearing a shirt under that purple thing, I promise.)

Besides my growing baby & bean burritos, another thing that makes me happy?
This adorable onesie (no clue how to spell that) that hubbs & I picked up the other night.
SO CUTE, right?!


  1. Sea bands saved me for at least 6 weeks. I threw up until the day I delivered though. But, they helped the sickness throughout. God Luck! -

  2. I say screw the happy face and ask for Zofran. It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

  3. poor thing; 2nd trimester will be better.....just hang in there!!

  4. Sorry your still feeling sick. Only like another month and it should go away (that doesn't sound good does it)? Sorry.
    Also love the comment about, "I have a shirt on". Too funny. I mean, cause I was wondering? :)
    I love the jersey, So cute.
    I hope you feel better soon!!!

  5. Sorry youre feeling bad. I thought b6 worked for me too, maybe not! Hope it passes soon!

  6. Like you, I felt horrible and tried everything (including B6). I am 18 weeks now and just starting to feel better. The only thing I found that helped was Ginger Beer. Not Ginger Ale, but Beer. It's like Root Beer. I would sip on it all day and it helped more than the B6, Sea Bands, etc. Good luck!

  7. I agree with Mrs. G...go with Zofran! Hahaha, I dont know from experience but I have heard good the time I got the perscription for it, it was the end of the horrible morning sickness. Sour things helped a little (lemon, sour patch kids and such), but honestly, I didnt want anything...crackers got old fast. Hopefully the morning sickness passes soon. Pregnancy is so excited, us mommies to be cant help but tolerate the horrible nausea...its like we are a glunt for punishment. Hahaha.
