I really am starting to feel the effects of pregnancy on my body. Everyday is a struggle & I know it's only going to get more difficult the bigger I get! My hips ache, my toes & fingers look like sausages, my pelvis feels like it's going to break, I pee every 10 minutes, Braxton Hicks are kicking my ass, I get nauseous after every meal, (hellllo 1st trimester sickness) I don't sleep... I could go on & on. This part of pregnancy is just so glamorous, isn't it?
I had my 34 week appointment on Monday & everything looks great. I didn't get an ultrasound, but the doctor measured me & said it's right on for 34 weeks. My next appointment is on the 9th & I will be getting my 1st internal exam (AHHH!!!). I'm nervous for that but am also anxious to see if by chance I'm making any progress in that department. As of right now, baby girl is still sitting up so high. But she is still head down, so that's good!
How far along?: 35 weeks with 35 days (give or take) left.
How big is baby?: A little over 5 lbs, I think. SO CRAZY!
Weight gain?: Still at 25lbs total.
Stretch marks?: The time has come. I have them. On both of my love handles. Little purple, squiggly lines. Blehh.
Maternity clothes?: I live in non-maternity dresses & loose tops but maternity shorts.
Sleep?: Hmm..let's see: my hips throb, my pelvis burns, my mind races, this baby has a dance party every time I try to fall asleep & I pee every hour. I sleep maybe a good uninterrupted 2 hours every night if I'm lucky.
Best moment this week?: Hearing sweet girl's heartbeat on Monday & knowing she's growing big & strong.
Food cravings?: Ice cream sundaes!!
Gender?: baby girl!
Movement?: ALL THE TIME!! Yesterday, she put on a show for my & hubby. It seriously looked like she was trying to escape. We were laughing so hard. Then she punctured my rib & I cried.
Belly button?: Half in half out. So weird.
What I miss?: Not feeling like I ran a marathon when I get out of bed in the morning.
Labor signs?: Just BH contractions ALL. THE. TIME. They're getting more painful.
What I'm looking forward to?: Seeing my two very best friends this weekend. They are coming all the way from Georgia for my shower!! I love them.
Milestone?: 35weeks down 35 DAYS to go!!
I look so tired.
But I feel like the belly looks the same...

Mrs. LoveBug, in case you're wondering (because you always are-HAHA!!), I got my extremely floral shirt at Forever 21.